Thursday, March 31, 2011



That is what has happened to me since I last posted.I am stopping that photo challenge because I am SO behind it is ridiculous. I guess you could say that a lot has happened since I have last blogs. Happiness, sunshine, snow, school school school, late nights, early mornings,tears, screams of joy, essays, homework, tests, fun fun fun, movies, Holi festival, good food, lots of Creamery ice cream, and top it off with the semester ending in 2 1/2 weeks. WHAT!? where has the time gone? I seriously do not know. I just moved in I feel like! I love everything about here. I am SO sad to be leaving but happy to know that I will be coming back for atleast another 3 years:)

Pictures to remember:

P.S.- I GOT A 99% ON MY STATS TEST!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Haters gonna hate

Haters gonna hate.
so sick of people tryin bring me down.
people tryin to butt into MY business
people who talk but don't know what's going on
people who just sit there and judge me
people who wanna see me fail
people who wanna mess up what I have going for me
Can anyone mind their OWN BUSINESS anymore!?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 10

DAY 10

-A picture of someone that you do the craziest things with.

Hi, this is Emily (Katherine) Marsh. Since coming to college she has become my bestest friend. We do the weirdest, craziest stuff together! She truly is my bff and i love her!!!! We even have cute pet names for each other ;) love you Katherine!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 9


- A picture of someone who has gotten you through the most.

Well since I've been at college, I would have to say that it is all of my roommates. I had crazy drama first semester and I literally would have not made it if it wasn't for them. Love you guys.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Peace Love Penrose

I have had the most AMAZING freshman year I think I could have ever asked for. I will write more about this the end of the semester. I just want to post this video..i never want to forget these memories or girls! Peace Love Penrose! I love all of you!

Day 6-8

Okay so maybe I am a bit busy? Sue me. Here is DAY 6, 7, AND 8


- A picture of someone that you would love to trade places with for a day.

Her voice is AMAZING. I wish I could sing like her.


-A picture of your most treasured item

My temple recommend

-A picture that makes you laugh.
Haha idk why I chose this. It makes me laugh cause Bruno looks hilarious.